I love a good homemade doughnut. And since it is National Doughnut Day, we're making our own. The ingredients are simple and delicious and it's probably stuff that you already have on hand. We'll start with:
2 sticks of butter
1 3/4 cup sugar
3 eggs
3 cups of self-rising flour*
1 cup of orange juice
1 teaspoon of vanilla
Optional: Confectioner's sugar
Optional: Confectioner's sugar
Now this is actually an Orange Cake Recipe that I adapted from a cookbook that we received some years ago. If you'll note, that my recipe above adds 3/4 cup more flour that it calls for. That will hopefully give us a more rounded doughnut than mine turns out to be. Also, using Crisco shortening can give you a bit more "airy-ness", if you will. :-)
Tip #2: Always make sure that if there' flour, salt, or baking powder that is needed to be added to the mix that you have fully added it, and blended it together before added it to your battered mix. With all of that being said, let's go!
Cream together the butter and sugar.
Add the eggs one at a time and beat for two minutes after the third egg is added.
Now once you begin to get that pretty yellow color mixed in there from your eggs, you're going to begin adding (alternatively) your flour and your orange juice. Starting and ending with flour. (So, flour, orange juice, flour, orange juice, flour). That's simple enough, right? :-)
And when you're done, you should have a yummy, creamy looking batter that is ready to go into your greased doughnut pan.
Just like with cupcakes, one full ice cream scoop, does the "do".
And all you need is one to fill the cavities on your pan. Doughnut pan found at Target. :-)
Bake for 12 minutes on 350 degrees and your good to go.
Now for our delicious curd!
You'll need:
2 cups of fresh berries
1/2 cup water
4 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 cup of sugar
3 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
4 tbsp of butter (chilled & cubed)
Bring the berries and water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Turn down the heat to low and simmer until the berries are soft and separate easily, (about 5 minutes). Transfer the mixture into a sieve and pass through using a spoon to help mash the berries. Discard the pulp and reserve the juice. Place the flour and sugar (already blended) into a clean saucepan and slowly pour in the berry juice. Whisking constantly. When thoroughly combined, add the whole eggs and egg yolks and continue to cook until thickened.
Once the curd has formed (after about 7 minutes) remove from the heat and stir in chunks of butter.
Allow about ten minutes to for the curd to cool and in the mean time, go & sprinkle your doughnuts!
Flaky, butter, orange, doughnut cake goodness. Oh, I'm not telling stories here, people.
I mean, I figured, that I just take one more bite, I mean...you know, for the camera, and all. ;-)
Well, I'm guessing that if I had just one more bite before lunch, it wouldn't hurt anything...
I mean breakfast, breakfast that's right. So let's do one bite for breakfast, and one bite for lunch. and a bite for snack. And...ut oh, what just happened, here?
Err...I think that you had better go ahead and make (and eat) these!

Happy National Doughnut Day, Y'all!
xo -Bakie
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