Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chocolate Raspberry Cupcakes-Part II

Alright, my cupcakes are all done.   I've got the kitchen cleaned.  And now it is time for me to face the daunting task of making the swiss buttercream.  I have to admit..I am a bit intimidated by it but it is one of the goals that I set out to do in re-embarking on this cupcake adventure so here we go...

4:38pm Swiss Buttercream
That was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  (It was like going for your immunization shots before you begin kindergarten & the fear of the shot is greater than the actual pain).  I must admit, without my stand-mixer, I would never, ever been able to make this buttercream.  I mean seriously, that whisk attachment works true wonders.  And our buttercream is done.  Yay!  The cupcakes have also been frosted, another daunting task that is behind me:-)

My closing thoughts are: (1) that I will have to try this again, the next time with my camera along the way, (2) I'd like to try icing some cupcakes with the other tips that I have in my icing kit to see how it turns out.

Thanks for following the journey!

Have a sweet day!

(Here's the recipe for the swiss buttercream should you want it ;-)

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