Wednesday, October 30, 2013

{Digital} Freebies...Never Give Up on Your Dream!

I seem to really love this girl:)  And I have been "directed" to her site a number of times and on a number of occassions.  And so finally, I have to just share.  Uh?  "Where have I been?"  I've been here, but I have been busy, stuck in life, and stuck in my head.  And so now, I have finally sat down, and so it is, "time to share".  Okay....Let's Go!

And here we go!
{*Note: This blog has taken on new life.  It started out as just a baking blog and that has now morphed into a baking/cooking/crafting/what's new and crafty/this is my life blog.  I hope that you're here to stay for the journey:) xoxo -Bakie}


Sketch Me Pretty: 11 Hand Drawn Circle Digital Graphics

I'm totally in love with transferring my sketches into digital graphics (See how to HERE!) I've always loved drawing- it's one of my biggest passions. The great thing about these graphics is that you can use them for anything. Website graphics, digital scrap-booking, chalkboard graphics, printables; the possibilities are endless!

By using these images you agree to my terms of use, which are included in the folder.

To see how to use these graphics in Photoshop or Picmonkey, see my tutorial here.

In this photo I used a combination of the Photoshop tutorial I linked to above, and my method for converting photos into shapes in Photoshop. That tutorial can be found HERE.

- See more at: